DANCER-3 This is a demonstration of a character animation object of a simple human. Copy the 3D directory to your TOASTER/3D directory. Failure to copy the 3D directory to TOASTER/3D will result in difficulty loading the scene since the objects wont be found. Load the scene "Dancer-3" to view the character animation object. When loading U will be asked to substitute images for 'Stones001' and 'Stones001-bw'. These files are not included because they are a part of SCALA for GVP. A good coice for a substitute would be any 16 color picture for 'Stones001' and a black and white version of the 16 color picture for 'Stones001-bw'. This is in no way representative of a finished product and no where near perfect, but for those not yet attempting character animation on Light Wave 3D, this may provide some assistance. TTFN 6/25/91 19:59:43 Larry Mitchell 1764 Americana Blvd D Orlando Florida 32839